Posts By: Andrew Verboncouer

Meetup Recap: Gener8tor Returns!

First and foremost, I’d like to thank both Joel Abraham and Brian Curliss for joining us and talking about the lean startup, event/behavioral marketing and their experiences. Secondly, I’d like to thank everyone for attending and participating. With all of the questions, it really solidifies the fact that Northeast Wisconsin is full of passionate people… Read the Full Article →

Why You Belong in a Coworking Space

If there were a place where 92% of people said their social circles have increased since being there, 80% have grown their business networks, and 75% have increased productivity, wouldn’t you consider transplanting your startup or freelancing career into such an environment? It’s easier than you might think. These stats aren’t from folks who moved… Read the Full Article →

The Start Then Restartup

Everyone seems to have an idea for “The Next Big Thing”. Deciding to act on that idea seems like the hardest thing for most of those same people. Like many others I’ve had plenty of ideas that could potentially become successful. Recently I’ve decided to act upon those ideas and create a startup… and then… Read the Full Article →